Tag Archive for: SDG13

Reform the Norm

Reform the Norm - International College Beirut, Lebanon

The Symbiotic People

The Symbiotic People - Meadowridge School, Canada

Earth Savers

Earth Savers - JBCN International School (Borvali), India


Seaviors - Aci Schools, Turkey

Eco Warriors

Eco Warriors - Global Indian International School, SMART Campus, Singapore

La huerta de los sueños

La Huerta de los Sueños - Colegio Interamericano, Guatemala

KLASS eco warriors

KLASS Eco Warriors - Alice Smith Secondary School, Malaysia


SustainaGals - Alice Smith Secondary School, Malaysia

Sustainable Superheroes

Sustainable Superheroes - K. International School Tokyo, Japan


Torque - Our Own English High School Sharjah, United Arab Emirates