Learning Framework
Our GSL programmes are designed using the principles of research-backed learning frameworks like Project-Based Learning, Design Thinking, and International Baccalaureate’s (IB) Service as Action and CAS.
what we do
Empowering students with a social leadership journey that sharpens their problem-solving, collaboration, and creative skills, all while enhancing their socio-emotional well-being. Here are 3 ways to get involved!
GSL Membership
- Take a whole school approach
- Students work in Teams to deliver a social action project
- Students get to engage in online sessions and get access to self-paced activities
- Register 2 Lead Teachers who get access to support and resources
- Register up to a 100 students
- Join a global network of schools in the Membership
GSL Catalyst Course
- An interactive 4-month social leadership course
- For interested students between the ages of 11-14 years
- A mix of virtual trainings with experienced facilitators and self-paced activities
- Students can join our November to March course
- Book a spot on the course directly for your students or share it with your parent community
GSL Accelerator Course
- An interactive 4-month social leadership course
- For interested students between the ages of 15-18 years
- A mix of virtual trainings with experienced facilitators and self-paced activities
- Students can join our November to March course
- Book a spot on the course directly for your students or share it with your parent community
Want to know more?
Discover how your child can join the Global Social Leaders (GSL) programme and develop essential skills while making a positive impact!
Unleash Your Students’ Potential: Join the Global Social Leaders (GSL) Program for Skill-Building and Impact!
Embark on an epic social leadership journey with GSL and make a real impact in your community!
Since 2013, we have grown the GSL movement in partnership with schools around the world.
Discover our impact for 2021-2022 by watching the video below.
Celebrating our young CAS leaders. Congratulations on your globalgoalsyouth prize! Youth voices, youth led action becoming outstanding global citizens.
Hello everyone! My name is Aryaa. Thank you for connecting with me on here. Please do help the platform grow by: sharing, reposting and spreading awareness, as much as you can. I am so grateful for all that has already been done, and can’t wait to begin our own community!
#sustainabledevelopmentgoals #sdgs #gslcatalyst #health #globalsocialleaders #medicine #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #neuroscience #periodpoverty
Stay safe everyone ❤️ #sos #help #rape #sexualassult #gslgoals #women #womenempowerment #womenpower #girlpower #girls #handinhand #womeninspiringwomen #womensupportingwomen #womensrights #genderequality #rape #child #childabuse #childrape #sexualviolence #sexualharasment
We are delighted to announce that Future Foundations has won an Innovate UK competition to take our #GSLCatalyst online in response to #COVID19!
Schools and young people aged 11-15 can apply now to take part. Click on the following link to find out more and register: https://www.globalsocialleaders.com/gsl-summer-catalyst-at-home/
#GSLCatalyst #innovation #summerprogramme #socialaction #serviceleadership #youngpeople
We are excited to announce that this year’s virtual GlobalSocialLeaders (GSL) Festival @ Home, delivered by Future Foundations and the Wellington Leadership and Coaching Institute, is on 18th and 19th June 2020. ⠀
The festival is set to be filled with inspiration that celebrates youth voices and gives young people and those who want to inspire the next generation, the tools to create transformational social change.⠀
Find out more via the link in our bio.
#GSLFest #GSLGoals #BuildBackBetter
Team EQUITY poverty
For more content follow poverty_equity
#endpoverty #poverty #povertyinpaksitan #povertyissexist #povertydie #povertyreduction #likes #povertyporn #povertyline #povertymustdie #povertyisreal #fightingpovertythrougheducation #donate #donatetoday #donatedonatedonate #donatelocal #donateclothes #gslgoals #gslcatalyst
Link in Bio.
#globalsocialleaders #globalgoals #sustainabledevelopment #gslgoals #explorepage #explore #fyp #foryou #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #sdg #survey #animals #education #moraleducation #ethics
الطريقة صارت عندكم، دوركم معنا!
#خيرنا_بلقمة_طيرنا 🕊️
حملة حاملات طعام الطّيور، تبدأ من الآن! 💪🏻
#fananjo #fanangsl
#GSL #gslcatalyst #gslgoals #globalsocialleaders
#nature #birdfeeder #food #tree #trees #recycle #treestagram #environment #environmental #ecofriendly #environmentalist #team #teamwork #impact #leadership #youthchallenge #youthwork #volunteering #volunteers #art #design #Jordan
İkinci el yükleniyor⏳️👀
Çalışmalar başlasın❗️
Second hand loading⏰️🛍
Action in progress⏩️
#gslgoals #action #takeaction #charity #responsibleconsumptionandproduction #sdg12 #sdg4 #climateaction #eçev #ışıkkenteğitimkampüsü #gaiacouture #secondhand #ışıkkentkermesi
An interesting fact for you!
#fananjo #fanangsl
#GSL #gslcatalyst #gslgoals #globalsocialleaders #fanan_birdfeeder #فنن
Source : https://www.rscn.org.jo/winged-visitors-stop-over-jordan-bird-migration-begins
#nature #birdfeeder #food #tree #trees #recycle #treestagram #environment #environmental #ecofriendly #environmentalist #team #teamwork #impact #leadership #youthchallenge #youthwork #volunteering #volunteers #art #design #jordan
This is the story of Ghaith. Ghaith was a ten year old boy from Aleppo, Syria. At the age of six, his town was demolished by Syrian forces who bombed the area suspecting the presence of rebels. As they tried to flee, he was forced to witness his little sister’s death, as his own home collapsed over her. He and his family had to leave everything behind and go to a refugee camp at the Syrian-Jordanian border, the Zaatari Camp, where they stayed there for three years during which his father lost a battle to malaria. At the age of nine, he was moved yet again to a town with shared houses for refugees. At around the same time, the ISG Schools District sponsored a trip to the Compassion Summit. We met Ghaith when he was 9 years old in the Compassion Summit. He had an upbeat personality with a lot of hope despite everything he went through. He’d always crack jokes and try to make things funny. He had a huge amount of passion for Football and Art. As part of our project, we attempted to reconnect with Ghaith this year, to have him share his story to the world. We were met with the news that he passed away from fever as his mother couldn’t afford his medicine. Ghaith should’ve been saying these words. Ghaith should’ve been the one sharing his own story.
So having said his story, we vow never to forget his smile, his interests, and his dreams. We stand in solidarity, and in a moment of silence, in the name of Ghaith. #gslgoals
إن لله و إن إليه راجعون.
We apologize for the multiple reposts of this video, there has been many technical difficulties with uploading it.
CMath (Communauté Mathématique), from the International School of Ouagadougo in Burkina Faso, was this years' GSL Global Goals Competition winning project 🥳👏 Their team organised the first National Math Olympiad of their country and helped get less-fortunate young people in their community access to education 📝 Below they've described CMATH in their own words:
"CMath (from its full name “Communauté Mathématique”) is a non-profit organization whose aim is to promote mathematics and science education in Burkina Faso by giving chances for quality education to all. Our goals in organizing the first National Math Olympiad of our country include addressing the problem of gender stigmatization in STEM fields and creating a broader universal acceptance of scientific disciplines in our community."
👉 Follow their journey here: @cmathburkina
The team will be attending the GSL World Catalyst programme in less than two weeks time. We can't wait to connect and collaborate with them!
#gslgoals #globalsocialleaders #gslcatalyst #youthproject #STEM
Any suggestions to what should we post and recommendations are most welcome❤️🐾
#dog #dogslife #dogpictures #dogstagram
#dogsbeingdogs #dogshelp #helpdogs #helpingdogs
#helpdog #helpinganimals #straydog #animalslover
#animalsneedlove #adoptdogs #adoptstrays
#animalsneedhelp #helpthehomeless #donateforanimals
#donateforacause t#gslgoals #welfare#animalwelfare
#animals #dogs#social
We are excited announce our second speaker for this summer's GSL World Catalyst, taking place from the 27th-29th July 🗣 Introducing... Anjali Sarker ‼️ You can find out more about her below. There are 5 days remaining to book onto the course, visit our website to secure your place!
⭐️ Anjali is currently a Programme Director at the Global Leadership Challenge, a joint initiative of University of Oxford and St Gallen Symposium, dedicated to the cultivation of character and responsible leadership among tomorrow’s leaders. She is a social innovation expert and development practitioner with seven years of experience in leading projects that empower people in low-income communities, with a special focus on youth and women. Previously she worked at BRAC, one of the largest development organisations in the world, to bring digital financial services to one million rural women in Bangladesh. In addition to her work in international development, she is a Dalai Lama Fellow, a New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute, and has served as a Global Shaper at the World Economic Forum. She completed an MSc in Inequalities and Social Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science and holds an MBA from the University of Oxford.
#gslcatalyst #gslgoals #speaker #speakerannouncement #youthprogram #leadership
#skillit #gslgoals #globalsocialleaders
Swipe to find out how Q-tips affect the environment! 🐟💚🌻
#gslcatalyst #globalsocialleaders #gsl #gslgoals #qtip #kousukehirahara #cottonswab #sustainability #pollution #oceans #ecofriendly #eco #ecofriendlyproducts #lifestyle #environment #lastswab #helptheplanet
Poster by Yvie Go
Gharana jpischool
#globalsocialleaders #globalgoals #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #gslgoals #communitydevelopment #sustainableliving
✨Meet the team members of EduBags.✨
#gslcatalyst #globalsocialleaders #gsl #gslgoals #globalgoals
#globalgoals globalsocialleaders
#stopsingleuseplastic #bethechangeyouwanttosee #gslgoals #globalsocialleaders #pathwaysgurgaon
Photo Credits- ecokaari
Day 4! 🧜♀️
#valentines #valentines #gslcatalyst #globalsocialleaders #gslgoals #sustainableliving #sustainability #ecofriendly #eco #environment #water #gsl #theunitedwestandproject
Poster by Layla Go and Yvie Go
Watch all recorded sessions
Global Social Leaders is a chance for young people to change the world for the better through social action and personal development.
The GSL programmes are transformational leadership experiences delivered by Future Foundations and the Wellington Leadership and Coaching Institute that bring together young people from across the world who are driven to make social change on a global scale.
From joining our free Global Goals competition to attending the prestigious World Summit everyone can find a way to get involved in Global Social Leaders. Choose your path below.
The GSL Global Goals competition develops students’ understanding of global citizenship and helps to turn their ideas into reality. If you are a young person or a teacher looking for an exciting new challenge click learn more.
Welcome To GSL
Global Social Leaders is a chance for young people to change the world for the better through social action and personal development.
The GSL programmes are transformational leadership experiences delivered by Future Foundations and the Wellington Leadership and Coaching Institute that bring together young people from across the world who are driven to make social change on a global scale.
Catalysts are our three- or five-day programmes held in schools and colleges around the world. If you are working in a school and are looking for a great training programme for students and staff click learn more.
This is a prestigious annual 12-day residential programme at Wellington College in the UK. If you are a parent looking for a transformational leadership experience for your child (age 11-17) click learn more.
All you need for the GSL Festival @Home
What is the the GSL Festival @home?
This years theme is Small Actions, Big Impact – focusing on how we can create ripple effects of change and harness our passions to make the world a better place. On the 17th and 18th of June 2021, participants will experience a mixture of inspirational speakers, interactive workshops and a showcase of international student-led projects, to develop the confidence, leadership and global understanding that promotes social harmony.
The GSL Festival @Home is unique, interactive, and filled with inspiration. It celebrates youth voice and gives students and educators the tools to create transformational social change. We will be sharing how 2,300+ young people from 76 countries have been achieving the United Nation’s Global Goals and shining a spotlight on those that have gone above and beyond. We will celebrate and support youth led action.
What continues to be a globally challenging time a year into the Decade of Action, we will focus on how we can continue to build back better.
This festival is for young people, educators, parents and leaders. It’s for everyone that believes in the positive power of people to be leaders in their lives and society. Join us from your home, your school, your community, your office – and be part of the GSL movement
We will come together again as we build towards a brighter more sustainable future for all.
It is time to Think Globally, Act Socially and Start Now.
Contributors of the GSL Festival @Home
Who is attending?
Please note, the registration is now closed
If you haven’t registered for the event you can tune in to all of our live stream. To find out which sessions are being live streamed check out the timetables below.
GSL Inspire
- Are you a student who is passionate about global issues?
- Have you run a social action project that you are proud of?
- Have you got a great idea that you want to share with the world?
If you answered yes to any of those questions we would love to hear from you. We are currently looking for students who would like to speak at the GSL Festival.
Click on the button below to find out more information about this opportunity and register as a student speaker.
Over the course of two days, participants (students and teachers) will experience a mixture of inspirational speakers, a showcase of international student-led projects and interactive workshops to develop the confidence, leadership and global understanding that promotes social harmony.
We will be celebrating the effort and dedication of the 500 project teams that form this year’s Global Goals Competition cohort in over 105 countries and announcing a winner.
Following the Festival participants will be challenged to THINK GLOBAL and START a LOCAL project that addresses one or more of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are “the biggest attempt in the history of the human race to make the world a better place” and run across countries, religions, politics, conflicts, and generations.
We look forward to celebrating with you all and welcoming you to join the Global Social Leaders movement.