Submission Forms

Please upload the final version of your written report and digital submission by completing the submission form. Please be advised that the deadline for submission is midnight (UK time) on 8th May 2024 and any submissions received after this date will not be considered by our judges.

Key Information about the final project submission process

Thank you for taking part in our Global Social Leaders (GSL) Membership. Your team is expected to submit the following as a part of the Final Project Submission process:

1) Written Report (2 pages of A4, maximum 1000 words)

2) 3-minute Digital Submission

Your report and digital submission should be a team effort and should clearly outline how your team’s project has met the criteria and guidelines mentioned in the above document.

When completing this form, please ensure that all team members’ names are clearly written. This is to ensure that certificates reflect the correct names of the Team Members. 

If you have any questions regarding the submission process, please email: or click here to start an instant chat with our team during UK office hours.

We look forward to receiving your final project submission!

Judging Criteria

1: Your learning and knowledge gained

a) Share your learning and the
skills you have developed

b) Demonstrate the knowledge you have gained about your community

c) Understanding of the SDGs

2: Your impact on others and the community

a) Measure and demonstrate how your
project has helped to address one or
more of the Global Goals. If your project
is not completed or has been placed on
hold then a forecasted impact and clear
methodology for measuring and
evidencing this should be given.

b) Number of students, community
members and organisation(s) involved
in and impacted by your project

c) Number of hours spent working
on the project

3: Special Recognition

a) Demonstrate how and where you
have involved other people and
partners in your project

b) Show that you have considered
the sustainability of your project


1. 2-page Written Report Guidance

We ask that you submit a 2-page Project Report (no longer than 2 sides of A4).

The report is your opportunity to showcase the journey your team has been on and the progress you have made with your GSL Global Goals project. We want to see how much you have learned on your journey as well as how much impact you have had.

The report must be a maximum of 2 x A4 pages and it is up to you how you structure and present your report.

The following things must be included in your report (in no particular order):

  • At least one photo of your team and your project(s) in action
  • Highlights from your experiences so far
  • Outline any funds or in-kind donations
  • (e.g. free posters, free venues or additional resources) you have secured
  • The project title and project logo (if applicable)
  • The aim of the project
  • The Sustainable Development Goals that your project addresses
  • The outcomes and impacts of the project (see judging criteria). Include any successes or failures
  • The knowledge/ learning you gained through the project
  • The skills you gained through the project Some tips for success (things we’ll be looking out for):
  • Keep your report simple, clear and easy to read
  • Use colour, photographs and graphics to make your report as appealing as possible
  • Think about creative ways to display your information
  • What evidence can you show us of your impact (planned or actual) on others? Can you use quotes, statistics, testimonials and so on?
  • Make sure you check spellings thoroughly
  • Get feedback from your teachers/GSL advisors – many of them have had experience of writing reports like these

2. Digital Submission Guidance

We would like to be able to see in more detail what you have achieved through your projects and ask for a digital  submission in addition to your written report. This can be in the form of a video or visual presentation such as Prezi. We are interested to see how you can communicate what you have achieved through a different format. Be as creative as you like!

The digital submission must not exceed 3 minutes.

  • Your digital submission should be in the format of an html link to an online YouTube or Vimeo video. Please watch the short instructional videos below about how to upload your digital submission to these platforms. If you cannot access either of these platforms please get in touch with us to arrange an alternative solution.
  • For Prezi sharing you may need to make us an editor to share it. Please email: social.leaders@
  • It is the responsibility of each team to secure and clear all rights for photographs or video content. The team assumes full responsibility for notifying the other partners and organisations of any use of their information or imagery.
  • All non-English content needs to have English subtitles or an English transcript needs to be provided.