Why should you join GSL? As a former student of this two week long GSL World summit programme, I have to say that even though It was the very first time for being in the UK, and most importantly, the first time I was away on a trip away from anyone I knew.
From the time I walked into the gates of the Wellington College as an individual student, not once did i feel alone or awkward. The warmth every member from the team of GSL exuded was just extremely welcoming.
Now as a student, and also considering that we all love food, and if you are a Harry Porter fanatic, then this is the place for you. The reason why I say these things is simply because food is the one thing on the list of other amazing things which is mouth watering. And the part where I begin to mention being a Harry Porter fan, is because the main food hall on the Wellington grounds was simply magical. Right from the wide variety of food and the freedom you get to take in as many hot chocolates as you like was simply amazing. The decor of the entire space you would eat your three meals will make you feel as though you were seated in palace hall. While on campus, you will get a chance to talk with 100s’ of other students from your similar age group, outside the GSL summit, who would be on the college grounds to pursue other courses of their interest. This will give you an open window to make new friends in other parts of the world too.
As a student, if you have always wanted to experience the”dorm life” but never actually got to do it, then this is the chance. You will learn to borrow and share and be there for each other while you stay with other girls.
Now lets come to the most important part of why you really should. Okay, so firstly, it will change the way you perceive social issues and their possible solutions. You will be more open to a healthier lifestyle, both mentally and physically. Let me say why. You see, physically healthy because they would encourage you to wake up at 6 am to either do some yoga; play some football; or simply just go for a run. This will give you the kick from within to live a better life. Mentally healthier because, activities like talking about each other, in terms of how you feel about others in your group and giving them positivity as well as constructive feedback on how your team member could improve; would benefit you in two ways.
First, it would make a way more sensitive person than you already are, and secondly, you will begin to notice meaningful changes in your personality. Secondly, by the end of the youth summit, you will have tears in your eyes because I did when it was time for me to leave, and so did everybody else, but those tears washed away all the haziness I had about myself as a leader.
You think its too much of philosophy?
So let me come to the fun parts. Your free time which will be plenty, you will be hanging out in the cute coffee shop, on the sofas of which you can find yourself lounging day and night with your favorite drink in hand, staring into the open sky through the see through roof. Other times you can chill in the sprawling green lawns where you can stargaze, listen to music, read a book, or play game of your choice; its up to you. Experiencing the tough rains in the all the muck and sweat, you will end up making a water raft with your team inmates, and this will make you feel the joy of victory.
The course will also offer you a chance to go visit London as well as the Oxford University, which is a great opportunity.
So you will experience friends, victory, teamwork, the joy of living, Doing something, bringing change, and most of all, exploring a different side of you. Basically, this course is a game changer that will play a huge role in transforming you.