Tag Archive for: Leadership

My GSL journey by Cherry Sung
A blog written by Cherry Sung, a Korean Youth Environmental Activist. She wrote down how she was inspired by GSL and grew with Global goals.

Ask the expert reflections by Aisha, British International School Ukraine
A blog written by Aisha, a student from the British International School Ukraine, which is a Global Social Leaders (GSL) member school. They took part in our 'Ask the Expert' day which included a range of sessions and spotlights, designed to support young people taking part in the 2022-23 GSL Global Goals Competition.

Speak Our Minds
The aim of "Speak Our Minds" was to gain more insight into the mental health needs of student members of our one-year boarding school community and find ways to support them in our environment.

The Innoverse
We created solar-powered lamps out of waste plastic bottles in an effort to be sustainable.

BEElive in yourself: English Bee Project
English Bee is a non-profit project which aims to provide an opportunity for primary students to develop their English skills. The pandemic has adversely affected the quality of education for children. According to the UN, COVID-19 led to an additional 101 million children in grades 1 through 8 falling below minimum reading proficiency levels in 2020.

A Small Change, Big Impact
We have developed our project to tackle the SDG goals which are #3 Good Health and Wellbeing and #13 Climate Action. We have done many action to tackle these SDG goals like organic farming, awareness campaigns, beach and mangrove clean ups, recycling campaigns ,short films, art works, surveys and a sustainable garden in our school. There were a lot of needs in local community and the main needs we have identified are the need of healthy organic food free of pesticides and lack of awareness among people about different diseases.

Mission Better Earth
I often wonder. How could our previous generations be so careless to have left us with the bleeding planet? How could they have not seen what is the impact their actions are having? I have now realised it’s the youth that needs to take charge. We cannot just sit and wait for actions to be taken by politicians or bureaucrats.

NurseBot | The New HighLine Of The Future
This project demonstrate a strong idea of current-present pandemic which talks about the spread of new viruses and causing diseases. Using many resources and different discussions we found a creative solution that supports the medical field that specially consists doctors and nurses.

In Touch With a Better You
In Touch With A Better, You is a group informing/helping your mental health and allowing you to focus on yourself. Our goal is to help ensure people are not alone in their problems through Mental Health Awareness. Individuals around the world go through mental turmoil every day.

Transforming plastic…The beginning
Precious plastic is a small student-led social enterprise that aims to help the environment by upcycling waste plastic bottle caps to make jewellery and keychains. We have discovered that our local community and especially our beaches, are littered with waste materials, especially plastic bottles. These ultimately end up in the ocean and threaten marine life.