Entries by Jakub Goscinny


Today in a world with a million problems we aim to tackle the most petty yet horrifying and disastrous effect. That problem is FOOD WASTAGE! 4.4 Metric tonnes of food is being wasted when a billion of people sleep with empty stomachs.

Mess to Music

Around Blantyre and Malawi it is shocking how much litter there is at the sides of the roads, and all types of litter just pile up and up. Because most of Malawi’s population is in poverty and most families don’t have enough food to eat…

Optimal Health: Providing Sekolah Bisa with their health needs

We observed that the women in our community are dealing with the lack of job opportunities. A lot of women cannot be active in business life due to different reasons such as having kids and not being able to leave them alone. Some members of our group met some women in these conditions so we are familiar with the difficulties of their lives.

Small Steps, Newly Shaped Lives

We observed that the women in our community are dealing with the lack of job opportunities. A lot of women cannot be active in business life due to different reasons such as having kids and not being able to leave them alone. Some members of our group met some women in these conditions so we are familiar with the difficulties of their lives.

My Green Warriors story – Druti Katari

There are many ways which my school does to reduce carbon footprint. We have a Herbal Garden club and any student can join to help plant plants in the Garden. On their birthdays, students are encouraged to brings any type of plants to plant in the Garden.

Little Paws For Stray Paws

We as a group have observed that many animals have been thrown out of their homes and left on the street. We hoped to help these stray animals find a house and get sufficient food to live.

Good health, more wealth

We realised that malaria and cholera are the prevailing diseases in Mallam. Having experienced malaria at least once in our lives, we decided that if we can, we must do something to prevent others from getting malaria.

Everyone Deserves Clean Water

When we first started this project, we had but one goal in mind. We wanted to deliver clean water to all. This has not changed since. The water situation in Indonesia is not particularly fantastic, especially in my city of Jakarta