Tag Archive for: gslgoals

Sounds of Protest Challenge
Amrit Kaur challenges you to write a performance piece, a song or a poem that expresses something you're passionate about. Sign up for her session on Monday 17th of August!

Wellington College Environmental Society (ESOC)
The Wellington College Environmental Society (ESOC) challenges you to take part in the SustainaCycle competition!

BID Leamington
BID Leamington challenges you to come up with 'your place' - a place where young people feel welcome and free

Creators Club
Creators Club challenges you to craft a wellbeing initiative that will be valuable and make an impact

Free Periods
Free Periods challenge you to start a chain campaign to sign up your school and 3 friends' schools to get free sanitary products!

Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Ellen MacArthur Foundation challenge you to learn about the circular economy and apply your learning to rethink how chocolate bars are packaged and delivered to help reduce ocean plastics!

ENACTUS - Next Gen challenge you to pick an issue you feel passionate about from the issue cards provided and publish to help address the issue!

eXXpedition – SHIFT
SHIFT challenge you to find your role in tackling ocean plastic pollution!

Small Robot Company
The Small Robot Company challenges you to design a farm machine of the future!