My aim was to address the Goal 6 of the Global Goals (Clean Water and Sanitation) by making hygiene products more accessible for the less fortunate in our area (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). To achieve this aim, I collected unused hotel hygiene product donations (including soaps, shampoos, combs, toothbrushes etc.) from the students, parents and teachers at my school. These hygiene products were collected by these groups from hotels (as part of hotels’ complimentary hygiene gift sets) when they were on holiday to take back home but were not used at home. Before the lockdown was instituted in Malaysia, I had collected about 7kg worth of hotel hygiene product donations. Unfortunately, the lockdown period meant that I could not collect more or distribute these products to the local charities and homeless shelters that I planned to (such as Kechara Soup Kitchen).
Our Vision
Our vision is a community of schools and partners committed to building a global movement of socially conscious young people who are equipped to be leaders in their lives and society.
We believe we need to transform education.
Join us to catalyse change in schools and communities.
Our Impact so far
– 3,500 Social Action Projects delivered
– 105 countries represented
– 10,000 young people & 1,500 teachers have participated
– 1,000 schools have joined
– 110,000 social action hours volunteered
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