For the GSL Summer Catalyst @Home, we partnered with 15 different organisations that all set an independent challenge for the participating young people. One of these organisations was the Eden Project – an educational charity, that aims to connect us with each other and the living world, and explores how we can work towards a better future.
79 of our young people completed the challenge and we want to share some of their amazing work!
Say #iwill4nature
The Eden Project challenged our young participants to take one small action for nature. This could be anything from litter picking, to building bug hotels, to growing their own vegetables.
Or they could try the blackberry challenge – which involved going out and finding a local bramble patch, picking their blackberries and then using them to make something delicious!
A message from Sam, education manager @ the eden project
Your blackberry pictures made me cry.
I mean seriously? With everything that’s going on in the world it’s the blackberries that did it?
Here’s why. I’ve spent nearly 20 years working at the Eden Project teaching and working with young people about environmental and social issues. Since the first lockdown only a tiny proportion of the children and young people who usually visit the Eden Project with their schools have been able to come and see us. I’ve missed you. And then there you were, popping up in pictures on my computer screen doing everything that the Eden Project is about – connecting with nature, choosing to put your energy into something constructive and creative, connecting with friends and family through the (literal) fruits of your labours. And yup, it made me cry, in a happy/sad/proud/humbled kind of a way.
So thank you to all of you who said #iwill for nature, who cooked, who created, who fundraised. I’m an optimist – because our future is in your hands. Sam x
Over half of participants took on the blackberry challenge. They made cakes, crumbles, meringues, muffins and more!
A bug hotel is a manmade shelter for bugs and insects, that is packed with any materials you can find – cardboard, old plant pots, leaves and twigs – to make a cosy home for bugs in your garden.
Some of the participants decided to create their own independent projects to support the Eden Project.
Vedhant decided to take it a step further from the challenges set by the Eden Project. He wanted to create his own project to help them reach their goal and share their message to a wider audience.
He created a Just Giving page where he explained his reasons for choosing to support the Eden Project and shared his YouTube channel. He has created educational videos about making a terrarium and creating a bird feeder. He also created his own Minecraft tour of the Eden Project, to try and engage more young people to support them. Vedhant has so far raised £437!
“I have always liked to grow vegetables, plants and flowers and would feel proud of myself when I see the first bird, bee or butterfly visit. Reading Eden’s list of projects, I was excited to contribute by making my own and spreading their word to help the environment.”