The main components of our website contain information about the LGBTQ+ community, mental health, racial minorities and their histories, and sections where users can ask questions to the school therapist or other specific teachers. Each section was written and designed by the team members; Tara Hughes for Mental Health, Malena Lucke for LGBTQ+ and Beatriz Souza for Cultures and Ethnicities. Althéa Saiyad was in charge of organisation and coordinating the construction of the whole site. The help and guidance that was provided to the team by Ms Ayoub was invaluable, and without her the site wouldn’t be where it is today.
Our Vision
Our vision is a community of schools and partners committed to building a global movement of socially conscious young people who are equipped to be leaders in their lives and society.
We believe we need to transform education.
Join us to catalyse change in schools and communities.
Our Impact so far
– 3,500 Social Action Projects delivered
– 105 countries represented
– 10,000 young people & 1,500 teachers have participated
– 1,000 schools have joined
– 110,000 social action hours volunteered
Contact Us
Global Social Leaders is powered by Future Foundations
– Email:
– Telephone: +44 (0)20 34 32 34 50
– Chat: click here
– Head Office: 2A Stormont Road, Battersea, London, SW11 5EN, United Kingdom