
  • All of our residential accommodation is accessed by a key code which is held only by staff, and not students
  • This ensures that no one is able to access the accommodation except at appropriate times
  • We have Pastoral staff who are in the accommodation to ensure a point of contact during the night
  • We have an emergency number which students can call 24 hours a day
  • College Security patrols Wellington College during the day and night
  • All staff and students wear lanyards at all times to ensure that visitors are easily recognisable
  • Students are not allowed to leave the programme venue on their own. Wellington College is  away from the town centre which discourages students to walk off college grounds
  • Students will have a curfew to be in the accommodation
  • We run a full Fire Drill on the first day to ensure that all students know how to get to safety in the case of a fire
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