We are delighted to announce Daniel Juhn as a judge on the independent panel for the Global Social Leaders Sustainable Development Goal Competition.
This competition challenges teams of young people around the world to create positive social change through student-led initiatives, designed to address one of more of the United Nations’ 17 global goals; to eradicate extreme poverty, end climate change and eliminate inequality by 2030.
I am a geographer and Vice President at the Moore Center for Science Division of Conservation International (CI). CI is committed to the vision of a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are forever committed to caring for and valuing nature, for the long-term benefit of people and all life on Earth.
I currently direct strategic and applied research to achieve Conservation International science objectives to understand ecological, social-cultural and economic values, and how people benefit from and use ecosystem services. I lead the Nature’s Values and Priorities team (NVP), supporting governments, businesses and communities in their efforts to achieve their development and sustainability goals by incorporating nature’s values into their planning, decision making, and balance sheets.
I am also the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Earth Observations for Ecosystem Accounting Initiative (EO4EA) at the Group on Earth Observation (GEO). My work at CI in previous positions includes remote sensing and landscape change, aerial survey systems design, spatial planning and scenario development.
I have worked with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations/ International Organization for Migration, managing development and emergency projects ranging from public health, refugee assistance, food security analysis, aquaculture and agriculture development, and community-based malaria interventions for indigenous groups in the Amazon.
Daniel Juhn, Conservation International
Daniel Juhn, Conservation International
GSL Sustainable Development Goal Competition
Launched in 2017 Future Foundations are running two GSL SDG competitions this academic year, open to young people globally. The first of these if for COBIS students and the second for students of all schools. We have been overwhelmed with entries from around the world from Romaina, to Kazakhstan and Venezuela.
Our judges will have a tough job to agree on a winner with an incredible quality of project proposals submitted, which is indicative of the strong sense of participants’ collective social responsibility and global perspective. Empowered to find local solutions to issues as wide ranging as gender equality, health, work and economic growth young people are demonstrating a complex understanding of the 17 global goals, how they interconnect and relate to our everyday lives.
The winners of the competition will be announced by Future Foundations later this year. The winning team from each competition will be invited to attend a Global Social Leaders Catalyst Programme and the opportunity to participate in the GSL World Summit, a 14 day transformational leadership programme in August 2018, for a discounted rate.