We are delighted to announce Cara Flowers as a judge on the independent panel for the Global Social Leaders Sustainable Development Goal Competition.

This competition challenges teams of young people around the world to create positive social change through student-led initiatives, designed to address one of more of the United Nations’ 17 global goals; to eradicate extreme poverty, end climate change and eliminate inequality by 2030.

I am the Global Coordinator for the Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network comprising over 2000 organisations and a 39 country coalitions. I am also a Senior Hunger and Nutrition Advisor at Save The Children UK where the network is currently hosted.

As a former humanitarian aid worker and policy advisor I enjoy trying to link grassroots activism with global initiatives and vice-versa. I enjoy the challenge of trying to understand how people can work better together despite their differences.

In my spare time I am also a member of the organising committee for the Sunday Assembly East End in my home town of London and an advisor to Byspokes CiC. I can usually be found pottering on her small balcony garden or cycling around the city.

Cara Flowers, Global Coordinator for SUN


Cara Flowers, Global Coordinator SUN

GSL Sustainable Development Goal Competition

Launched in 2017 Future Foundations are running two GSL SDG competitions this academic year, open to young people globally. The first of these if for COBIS students and the second for students of all schools. We have been overwhelmed with entries from around the world from Romaina, to Kazakhstan and Venezuela.

Our judges will have a tough job to agree on a winner with an incredible quality of project proposals submitted, which is indicative of the strong sense of participants’ collective social responsibility and global perspective. Empowered to find local solutions to issues as wide ranging as gender equality, health, work and economic growth young people are demonstrating a complex understanding of the 17 global goals, how they interconnect and relate to our everyday lives.

The winners of the competition will be announced by Future Foundations later this year. The winning team from each competition will be invited to attend a Global Social Leaders Catalyst Programme and the opportunity to participate in the GSL World Summit, a 14 day transformational leadership programme in August 2018, for a discounted rate.