We are delighted to share a blog written by student Maryam, from Our Own English High School, Sharjah-Girls, who is part of team The Elec-trick-ators delivering a Global Goals project for the 2020-21 GSL Global Goals Competition.
Their project is among over 957 social action projects currently running as part of the GSL movement and we are excited to be supporting them to design and lead positive social change in their community.
This was a challenging and thrilling experience for all of us and we hope to continue to spread awareness and fight for environmental rights to ensure our future.
Project Summary
We are the Elec-trick-ators and we are striving to develop a solution to some of the world’s greatest challenges through the Sustainable Development Goals. We aim to produce electrical energy by processing waste materials through the Hydro-wheel project. This project includes the Minto wheel that works on the principle of evaporation and condensation along with the process of Incineration that works on converting the waste material into steam and water.
Electricity and technology are two of the main streams that allow the world to thrive in the 21st century. We have observed the need to provide clean energy to people. The efforts of The Future Foundation and the SDG competition have inspired us to work towards building a better world for all generations. They have proved that age does not matter in bringing change.
The Journey
Our team involves a proficient group of people who are ecstatically supportive and collaborative. We have come across to have new-found skills that involve creativity and innovation. We have become lovers of the environment and have found a passion towards fighting for environment rights. We have learnt that we are never too young to bring a change to the world and solve the world’s greatest problems.
Our biggest challenge is to popularize our idea and spread awareness about such problems. We need to gather the attention of as many people as possible through websites and social media platforms. We will be collecting feedback and views of people on the impact of our project and the change it can bring. Communicating with various organizations that work for similar problems is also a challenge in its own way.
The Next Chapter
I would most certainly recommend young people like me to get involved in similar projects and work towards developing a greater and eco-friendly world. This generation includes future leaders, C.E.Os, entrepreneurs, doctors etc, that are going to take up posts that will affect the future world. We need to come together and fight for the rights of the environment, so that our future is ensured and are dreams are capable of being accomplished. Through this project we are calling upon children and adults and spreading awareness on the effects of human activity on the environment. We hope to spread love between people and their environment.