We are delighted to share a blog written by, Sofia Urrea a student at The Columbus School who is part of a team delivering a Global Goals project for the 2019-20 Global Goals Competition.
Their project is among over 957 social action projects currently running as part of the GSL movement and we are excited to be supporting them to design and lead positive social change in their community.
We have had the most amazing and educational experience
Project Overview
Since October we have been working on a project based on the global issues goals: quality education, gender equality, climate action and life on land. We have been making interviews to people who we believe are good in giving valuable information for our project. We have been planning to go to some local foundations were we can take some resources that we will collect. We will also create some presentations to teach the kids in the foundations about the problems we that our goals focus on.
The resources that we will collect are basic hygiene resources and books, we want to especially recollect books because we think that by that way the kids can learn way more. We want to make this project be a long term project and that we can keep on going back to it many years after we make this, that’s because by that way it will be a sustainable project.
Our Journey
This project has been a very interesting and different experience than any other project or assignment. I believe that this has been the most life changing project that we have ever had and it goes above and beyond the expectations we had for this course.
It has been a difficult but a very educational journey because we have had the opportunity to look at many global problems that we never actually thought or knew about. This has also given us an incredible opportunity to look at the problems we can solve or we can at least help with. It has also given us a better view of our world and the people that we have stereotyped as bad or dangerous people. It has also made us more appreciative of our daily life and our routines. Personally I have had the chance to change small things about my routine to help the environment and to be more aware of the problems that are happening around me.
The Next Chapter
So far we’ve made a lot of progress with planning our project and the logistics of it yet, we have not executed the actions in the institutions to help. The next steps were planning to do, is actually going to the institutions of girls and teaching them about feminism and self care. Also, collecting menstrual cups, books, clothes, and resources that they need in their daily basis. Before collecting these materials, our plan is to raise awareness within the school so more people donate and help our cause. Our purpose is to make our project stronger and have a positive impact on the people that we are helping.
The 2019-20 GSL Global Goals Competition is now open and runs until June 2020. If you belong to one of the 700+ teams of students currently delivering a social action project as part of the competition we would love to hear from you and feature your blog and project photos on our website to inspire others.