All of the blogs featured on this page have been written by students from around the world who have taken part in our GSL Global Goals Competition.
Every article tells a story of incredible young people who are creating positive social change in their communities. Click on a photo below to read the blog of your choice.
Make Meals Matter
Make Meals Matter is our contribution towards eradicating zero hunger. Make Meals Matter also known as “MMM” is a movement that intends to feed the underprivileged.
Zero Wastage
Most of us here know what zero waste is; we know that it is a term which is used to indicate the prevention of resources, the avoidance of unnecessary wastage, following the 3 R's (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle).
One Step Closer To A Better Sabah
Hello! I am part of the Borneo Spirit. A team formed in the city of Kota Kinabalu in the state of Sabah, Malaysia.
Bring on Education!
Education has always played an important role in building the characters of people, and in making their lives but what about those people who have been deprived from the power of education? How will they build their lives?
Just jig it with AJ
Hi, my name is Adjwoa and I came across Global Social Leaders when I thought about helping my community.
A way to explore your true, potential self
The GSL Festival is an annual event held by Global Social Leaders and the Future Foundation to celebrate and support the journey of students around the world who have taken action for the UN Sustainable Development Goals during the GSL Competition. It is an opportunity to inspire, get inspired, and share individual stories.
Our ecological project known as Moo Paper consists of making ecological notebooks made out of cow feces. The ingredient that makes it possible to accomplish this project is the cellulose that the cow feces contains.
Light For Hope – Improving Education with Solar Lamps
Namibia is a country in southern Africa, with a lot of sunshine and many people who don’t have access to a good education. In our project, we have worked with Fidel Castro Primary School in Katutura.
The journey to thrive to success
One of our goals (good health and well-being) is to help vulnerable women who experience period poverty. Further more we think that is a very sensitive topic that does not get any views and as a team we think that this view that the world sees needs to be changed. As a team we will raise money and donate the money to a charity/foundation that supports to help vulnerable women.
Lend a Hand
Our project ‘Lend a Hand’ was started with an aim to increase the quality of education for 128 students at the Udugama Primary School. Our initial reach was identifying many sentimental problems of the Udugama Primary community such as lack of motivation, no proper teaching and learning environment and high level of absentiseem.
Blue Green Revolution
Our project is named Blue Green Revolution as we want to make as many water bodies in our area crystal clear and our area rich in greenery. We noticed that many people tend to litter the beach which in turn harms many of the sea life.
If you have any questions about our projects or how your school can join the GSL movement please click here to chat with our team or email