We are delighted to share a blog written by student Dilara Can from TED Bursa, who is part of a team delivering a Global Goals project for the 2019-20 Global Goals Competition.
Their project is among over 957 social action projects currently running as part of the GSL movement and we are excited to be supporting them to design and lead positive social change in their community.
For a sustainable Future....
Project Overview
Global Social Leaders help people to change the world for the better through social action and personal development. Our main goal in this project is to make girls read and to raise awareness by collecting plastic covers.
We collect plastic caps from the best-known restaurants in the city where we live and from other schools as well as our own school, and in this way, we ensure girls to be educated.
A lot of plastic bottles are used in our school canteen because there are people who want to drink water after eating in our school.
Our Journey
At the same time, paper cups are used in our school because we drink water from the carboy. To prevent this, we decided to sell our affordable thermos. Our thermos, which are currently under construction, are also a brand with our own name.
With the help of our school teacher, we regularly attend many places and collect the covers there. Thanks to the run we attended recently, we have collected many covers. Thanks to the project called Kırçicekleri, girls are reading. When we donate caps to them, we help girls to get education. We are getting more information by visiting ÇEK regularly.
The Next Chapter
Our new goal is that all of us learn this project and help us more. We visit the classes in our school and let everyone learn. In this way, people use less plastic bottles and bring the caps to us when they use it. While we used to keep our lids in the lab of our school, now we collect them in our friend’s house. So far, we have provided education for 3 girls. I hope we will be even more successful and help girls get scholarships.
So far we have worked hard with our friends and have come a long way. We had regular meetings and made many plans about what we could do better. We hope that we get the reward of our efforts and we will be more successful.
The 2019-20 GSL Global Goals Competition is now open and runs until June 2020. If you belong to one of the 700+ teams of students currently delivering a social action project as part of the competition we would love to hear from you and feature your blog and project photos on our website to inspire others.