We are delighted to share a blog written by student Jesús Enrique, from Preparatoria Kepler School, who participated in the GSL World Catalyst @Home in February-March 2021.
It was a great experience that helped me discover my skills to change the world.
Project Summary
The idea of my project arises from the need to reduce pollution because this is one of the main contributors to climate change. My project basically consists of 3 phases. The first is to create eco-bricks with inorganic garbage to build houses or small sofas for people with limited resources. The second is to inform people about this issue because there is a lot of misinformation. To inform people I created social media accounts and a blog where I post information and tips to take care of the planet and in the last phase I created a bioplastic made with fruit peel that degrades in 3 months.
The Journey
Throughout this process I’ve developed many valuable skills such as teamwork, confidence, working under pressure, leadership, etc. but I have also learned that it doesn’t matter who you are because anyone can make a change, you just have to believe in yourself.
My biggest challenge has been the misinformation people are exposed to about climate change and ecology because they don’t know the impact that this generates in the world, I´ll overcome it thanks to my project because as I mentioned an important part of my project is to inform people through social networks.
The Next Chapter
This is a local project but I plan to apply it in other cities… because I think it is a good solution to solve the problem of pollution and it also responds to one of the global goals for sustainable development (13 climate action).
Regarding similar projects and GSL I recommend you to participate because it’s a great experience to develop skills, build a better world and meet people who are interested in changing the world and also if we all join together by taking small actions, we’ll can make the world a better place 🙂