Recycle and reduce plastic now

Every time we go to the beach, the sea or near a lake we see lots of trash! This is terrible because animals in the water might become trapped or choke on the plastic that people have just thrown in the water - this needs to stop,we must help the animals like the turtles and dolphins, we must protect and save our planet Earth!

Promote book reading and Theatre attendance

We are trying to tackle the issue of too much technology in the lives of people, and the lack of theatre visits and book reading, since people these days, do not value their importance. The project involves the students, families, friends and the school community.


Today in a world with a million problems we aim to tackle the most petty yet horrifying and disastrous effect. That problem is FOOD WASTAGE! 4.4 Metric tonnes of food is being wasted when a billion of people sleep with empty stomachs.

Mess to Music

Around Blantyre and Malawi it is shocking how much litter there is at the sides of the roads, and all types of litter just pile up and up. Because most of Malawi's population is in poverty and most families don't have enough food to eat...

Optimal Health: Providing Sekolah Bisa with their health needs

We observed that the women in our community are dealing with the lack of job opportunities. A lot of women cannot be active in business life due to different reasons such as having kids and not being able to leave them alone. Some members of our group met some women in these conditions so we are familiar with the difficulties of their lives.

Our planet matters! Recycling centre at Urbana 54

We have decided to work on two major problems in our country: POLLUTION & POVERTY. We have created a recycling centre in our school. Everyone is getting involved by bringing rubbish from home to separate it at school.

Small Steps, Newly Shaped Lives

We observed that the women in our community are dealing with the lack of job opportunities. A lot of women cannot be active in business life due to different reasons such as having kids and not being able to leave them alone. Some members of our group met some women in these conditions so we are familiar with the difficulties of their lives.

My Green Warriors story – Druti Katari

There are many ways which my school does to reduce carbon footprint. We have a Herbal Garden club and any student can join to help plant plants in the Garden. On their birthdays, students are encouraged to brings any type of plants to plant in the Garden.


Did you know researchers are debating to add internet addiction as a mental disorder? I want to share a story that inspired me to take up the challenge of reducing inappropriate content addiction. The daily Nation newspaper (Kenya) wrote about Ruth Njagi, 18, who had battled an addiction that many would find hard to confess. She speaks to Joan Thatiah about her struggle to stay her path, and what that has taught her about herself.“I was about six years old when I was defiled by three pre-teenage boys from our neighbourhood in Kirinyaga County.

Closing the GAP

The need we have identified in Ghana is the lack of knowledge about 21st century problems such as pollution, climate change, bad leadership and so on. Upon realisation, the five of us embarked on a journey to find a solution that is The GAP class. The GAP class is a project led by a series of workshops, campaigns and seminars to raise awareness and participation in young people from both disadvantaged and fortunate backgrounds to close the gap between young people who have this knowledge and those who do not.