Global Indian International School, East Coast, Singapore |

Let everyday be earthday

We are delighted to share a blog written by Krisha Mehta a student at Global Indian International School, East Coast, Singapore who is part of a team delivering a Global Goals project for the 2018-19 Global Goals Competition.

Their project ‘Green Warriors of GIIS EC Campus Singapore’ is among over 620 social action projects currently running as part of the GSL movement and we are excited to be supporting them to design and lead positive social change in their community. 

Let everyday be Earthday

Project Summary

I think all the students studying in GIIS are incredibly lucky, because there is this great atmosphere of learning about the things you should care about the future, and yes plants are surely one of them. My school is having a chart which indicates that we should reduce carbon foot prints and the school also supports in a nature friendly environment by growing plants in the herbal garden.

Our school has also started to take a new initiative by encouraging children to bring seeds and plant them in the herbal garden in their birthday week so that as the child grows into mature adult they see the seedling turn into a big tree. As you know trees are natures gift for human beings, it provides oxygen, food shelter medicines wood and home for wild life, purifies water, cleans air and makes our environment beautiful. If you are planting trees, it means you are investing in a sustainable and better future. Plants are renewable, biodegradable and recyclable.

Our Journey

As I mentioned earlier, school is also promoting the herbal garden, which uses recycled waste to grow plants. We invite students to bring plastic bottles and reuse them to grow plants. Our school is actively taking steps to add a class based on environmental awareness and school always encourages students to plant trees in their homes and school. Our school recently faced concerns on high water and electricity bills which was leading to wastage of important natural resources.

These concerns were addressed by using recycled water to water the plants. The school also appointed independent reviewers to who were responsible to ensure electrical appliances and facilities were switched off when not in use. We have installed LED lights to brighten our class rooms which are very effective to save energy. These initiatives not only helped the school in managing the water and electricity bills but also helped the school in saving natural resources. Our school also uses solar energy and is known as “ECO” school.

The Next Chapter

When it comes to students and we look at our future, we should ensure we take important steps to save our environment. A few things which comes to my mind is to carry reusable bags to shops which reduces the use of plastic bags. We should walk to nearby places or take public transport or pool in to travel to the same destination. We should also reduce the use of paper and if we have to use paper then we need to ensure we use both sides of the paper. Like our school has taken important steps to save electricity and water, we should also follow the same process to switch off electrical appliances at home. These small steps will not only help us save our environment but lead us to a better future.

The 2018-19 GSL Global Goals Competition is now open and runs until June 2019. If you belong to one of the 700+ teams of students currently delivering a social action project as part of the competition we would love to hear from you and feature your blog and project photos on our website to inspire others.