Chadwick International School, South Korea |

4th Grade Education on Human Rights with Health

We are delighted to share a blog written by Catherine Cho, Irene Lee, Helena An, Emma Choi, Hillary Lee, Nicholas Park, students at Chadwick International School who are part of a team delivering a Global Goals project for the 2018-19 Global Goals Competition.

Their project is among over 800 social action projects currently running as part of the GSL movement and we are excited to be supporting them to design and lead positive social change in their community. 

While teaching young students who will be future global leaders, we were able to gain new sense of confidence and different mindsets about the potential pursuit of human rights to persistently receive human rights education.

Project Overview

As we noticed how there aren’t enough opportunities for human rights education for children and recognize the significance of them in their daily lives and the world, noticeable from the number of children literature about human rights and how many elementary schools don’t offer lessons about this topic, we decided to partner with the Songdo International Children’s Library and Chadwick International’s Village School to set up regular classes for human rights education.

We believe that human rights education can become an essential tool to create a more just and fair society because it enables children to be aware of their rights and learn to acknowledge others’ rights starting from a young age that resonates with them as adults. We first discussed with village school teachers to decide on which grade level to collaborate by linking human rights with their curriculum. This blog will focus on the experience we had with leading human rights classes for the Chadwick International’s Village School.

Our Journey

It was an exclusively new experience for the CI amnesty club to have an education service to village school students. We were so excited to cooperate with 4th-grade students, however, we had some challenges since it was our first time teaching them.

For example, it was hard for us to make Chadwick students who have a high standard of living to understand the necessity of basic human rights for ones who suffer in poor conditions. So we have provided them with a real-world example such as In addition, we promoted that human rights can affect not only people who are suffering in other countries but also ourselves in our daily lives.

The Next Chapter

We are totally looking forward to the next year education service to the 4th graders. We will try our best to connect the service activity with what they are normally studying in their class.

Also, it will be better to introduce more diverse human right articles that are related to their daily lives to learn to connect them with them and learn the importance.

The 2018-19 GSL Global Goals Competition is now open and runs until June 2019. If you belong to one of the 700+ teams of students currently delivering a social action project as part of the competition we would love to hear from you and feature your blog and project photos on our website to inspire others.